
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
► The 'Crush Your Alcohol Cravings Overnight' Cheat Code. Click here for this 100% FREE mini-course ➡️ https://www.thestrivemethod.com/crush-your-alcohol-cravings
🏆 - The STRIVE Method: https://www.thestrivemethod.com/
📙 - The Book: https://www.thestrivemethod.com/book
✍️ - SubStack: https://thestrivemethod.substack.com/
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🎙️ - 1,000 Days Sober Podcast
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/1000-days-sober-podcast/id1101562756
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3W324m4YjzwmV4aJO9Jm7V
When you signup for the free 'Crush Your Alcohol Cravings Cheat Code,' you'll automatically be registered in a draw to win a 1-year STRIVE Method Membership, valued at USD 1.2k! (Winner drawn on July 15th - mark the date on your calendar!)
Onto Our Guest…
Roberta Mussato was born in Treviso, Italy. At eight, she started writing her first journal, a habit she would never give up. After a degree in conference interpreting in English and Russian in 2006, Roberta moved to crazy London, where she still lives.
In 2018 she decided to go backpacking on her own for three months in Asia to escape from a generalised, deep crisis that had seen her feeling stuck and very low for two years. Reasoning that all her pain came from unmet expectations, she decided to experiment for those three months, not plan a single thing to see how life can be when you have no attachments. She talks about how it all went in her first book, "Universe, I Trust You", which came out initially in Italian and then in English and will be shown on the Nasdaq billboard in Times Square on June 20th, 2023.
That trip was a watershed in her life, proving that a deep crisis could be the springboard to exciting new chapters. Changing the question from "Why do they always happen to me?" to "What for?" and following her vision in Nepal, she is now a certified Master Life Coach and NLP Practitioner who helps her clients get unstuck and live a more aligned life.
Buy my award-winning book "Universe, I Trust You."
My interview at BBC Radio London's "Carrie and David Grant Show"
Listen to my interview on the "Path to Alignment" podcast with the Hungry Yogi Natalie
Listen to my interview on the "Life Pro" podcast with Omid Torkian
"The cave you fear the most holds the biggest treasure for you."

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You: A Conversation With Karla McLaren
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
► The 'Crush Your Alcohol Cravings Overnight' Cheat Code. Click here for this 100% FREE mini-course ➡️ https://www.thestrivemethod.com/crush-your-alcohol-cravings
Sign up for the free course, like, AND comment below, and we'll include you in a free draw to win an annual STRIVE subscription worth $1.2k
🏆 - The STRIVE Method: https://www.thestrivemethod.com/
📙 - The Book: https://www.thestrivemethod.com/book
✍️ - SubStack: https://thestrivemethod.substack.com/
📸 - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thestrivemethod/
🎶 - TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thestrivemethod
🎧 Tune in to the latest episode of the 1000 Days Sober Podcast, where we dive deep into the journey of living a SELF-led life AFAF with the incredible Karla McLaren! 🌟
🌱 Join us as Karla shares her empowering insights and wisdom on navigating life without alcohol.
🚀 Discover how to unlock your true potential, cultivate emotional intelligence, and create a life filled with purpose and authenticity.
💪💚 🔥 Get ready to explore the power of emotional intelligence, self-compassion, and genuine connection while embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle.
🌈✨ 💬 Leave a comment below sharing your biggest takeaways from this eye-opening conversation with Karla McLaren! Let's inspire and support each other on this journey to sobriety.
💭💬 🎉 Don't forget to listen to the full episode and rate and review the show ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Your feedback matters and helps us reach more individuals who are ready to embrace a SELF-led life AFAF.
#1000DaysSoberPodcast #AFAF #AlcoholFreeAsFuck #KarlaMcLaren #EmotionalIntelligence #SelfCompassion #Authenticity #SobrietyJourney #Inspiration #Support #PodcastRecommendation #RateAndReview #PodcastCommunity 🎧💚✨

Monday May 01, 2023
On Our Parenting Struggles: A Q&A With Amanda Evans
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Amanda Evans is a Master Life Coach (meets Mary Poppins), Family Play-Based Somatic Healer, Best-Selling Author & Speaker.
She coaches conscious and caring parents who are triggered by their child's tantrums, big emotions, and disempowering labels/diagnoses to parent them with greater ease, connection, presence, and PLAY!
Amanda is a dog mama and a lover of little humans and the little moments (that really are the BIG ones!).
In this podcast, Amanda Evans joins the STRIVE community for a Q&A on all things parenting.
Book a connection call with Amanda.

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Sobriety Communities: A Conversation With Sonia Kahlon
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Sonia is the founder of EverBlume, which provides small group recovery meetings where members are matched into groups based on what they are struggling with. The goal is for members to find connection through conversation, and get meaningful support and feedback from each other.
Sonia is an orthodontist who built and sold a successful multi-location practice in 2016 and got sober in 2017. Since then, she become a recovery coach and has dedicated her life to making a difference with social impact investing, and volunteering with the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and victims of sex trafficking. And now, she hopes to create her biggest impact by leveraging the power of peer support to create community for those on their recovery journey.

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Spiritual Agnosticism: A Conversation With Rachelle Luv Raku
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Rachelle Luv Raku is a Consciousness Coach dedicated to helping Overwhelmed Parents Unlock the Power of their Intuition while being Conscious Leaders and Role Models to their children.
Here is her Instagram page.
For more information on The STRIVE Method.

Monday Mar 13, 2023
A Fresh Way to Look at Constraints
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
In this week’s podcast episode, Lee Davy shares a presentation that takes a fresh look at constraints, perfect for people who slip into victim consciousness and see blocks and obstacles wherever they look.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy: A Conversation With Victoria Vanstone
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Victoria Vanstone lives on The Sunshine Coast in Australia with three children, a dog and a very patient husband. She is originally from the UK and has been writing about motherhood and her zig zaggy journey to sobriety for two years. Victoria started writing on the exact day she quit drinking alcohol. It became her outlet and distraction from peering in the fridge at cold bottles of wine. She found letting out all of her fuckupery on her blog and in her upcoming book has helped solidify her sobriety and led her to understand herself and her destructive habits.
You can read Victoria’s blog posts at drunkmummysobermummy.com
She also co-hosts the Sober Awkward podcast with her excellent friend Hamish.
She is the founder of the Cuppa Community, which is a sobriety social network.
In this episode, we discuss all things motherhood, pregnancy and alcohol.
If you find this episode of value, please rate and review it.
Much love.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Alcohol Consciousness: A Conversation With Ken Makimsy Middleton
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Ken Makimsy Middleton is the editor of a Medium Publication named AINYF; Alcohol is NOT Your Friend. It's a publication focused on science-based strategies to help individuals change their relationship with alcohol and create the best version of themselves.
Ken coined the term alcohol-consciousness to represent his belief that one should not have to hit rock bottom or have a "problem" with alcohol to quit drinking. Instead, it's something that people should consider to live a more holistic and healthy lifestyle.
He’s currently in the middle of a book project on the topic titled Bamboozled - How Alcohol Makes Fools of Us All, and we talk about some of his concepts from that book in this episode.
Topics covered in this episode include:
- Educating children on alcohol
- The role that Hollywood plays in the ubiquitous nature of alcohol
- Perception of value versus reality
- The importance of drinking consciously and quitting consciously.
- Filling the white space
- Exercise
- Diet
- How alcohol plays a role in the mid-life crisis/awakening
- How it’s never too late to quit

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Am I On The Right Path?
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
The decision to be someone who doesn't drink alcohol and live more consciously is a complicated affair riddled with hope, fear and anxiety. In this monologue, Lee Davy shares his view to help you answer the question - Am I On The Right Path?

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Existential Kink: A Conversation With Dr Carolyn Elliot
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Dr Carolyn Elliott is the author of "Existential Kink": A handbook of life-altering magic and cult-favourite creativity book, "Awaken Your Genius". She runs a 7-figure online business specializing in helping people achieve dramatic positive change in their lives through shadow integration practices and applied occult philosophy.
Carolyn is known for her uncanny and uncomfortable ability to trick really smart, high-achieving magical people into doing what they actually want to do. She’s the teacher of life-altering online courses, including WEALTH: the alchemical community where leaders come into their full power.
You can find Carolyn on Facebook & Instagram.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Carolyn-Elliott-PhD-367818316599523/
Instagram: carolynelliott_
And her website is http://carolyngraceelliott.com/.