
Monday Jan 23, 2023
People Like us do Things Like This: A Monologue on Status
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
In this week's episode, Lee Davy talks about the role that status has in our challenge to become someone that doesn't drink alcohol. It's a complicated and deep topic, but essentially, don't underestimate the power desiring external approval has on our decision to remain a drinker when our innate wisdom advises us to stop.
If you have any questions or feedback on this, episode contact Lee at thestrivemethod@gmail.com

Monday Jan 09, 2023
A Sober Journey: A Conversation With Anna Welch
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
This week’s guest is Anna Welch.
Anna, from Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been a STRIVER for almost five years, and I invited her onto the show to share her journey. Since joining STRIVE, Anna has learned to be someone who doesn’t drink alcohol and to live more consciously. She is a leader within the STRIVE community, at her place of work, and, of course, in her home in her role as wife and mother.
In this episode, we talk about the difficulty in joining communities like STRIVE because of the shame associated with having alcohol dependency, what ‘doing the work’ looks like for Anna and her relationship with God.
You’ll find the 1000 Days Sober Podcast on all the major platforms. The video of the conversation is available here.
If you found this episode useful or want to send some love to Anna, respond below via DM or email to thestrivemethod@gmail.com. If you want to learn more about the work we do at STRIVE, then use the same routes, and we will respond ASAP.

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
How to Become a Winner
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Do you feel like a loser or a winner?
Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
Do you find yourselves blaming people, the world, politicians, and God for the results you’re getting in life?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, then (a) you’re not alone, (b) you’re human, and (c) STRIVE has your back in today’s podcast.
At STRIVE, we help you become someone that doesn’t drink alcohol and live consciously through a triangulation of education, philosophy and community.
A crucial aspect of our philosophy is you can make the process of unearthing your innate wisdom FUN! We help you do this through our quest process, and in today’s process, I share our ‘Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Quest.’
What results could you manifest if you were to celebrate five daily wins for the next 30 days?
Watch the video via our YouTube Channel.
Join our email list for more help, guidance and love in your journey to be someone who doesn't drink alcohol and live more consciously.
Strive on!
PS: The team at STRIVE would like to gift you our book 'Control Alcohol For 30-Days So It Doesn't Control You For The Next 30-Years,' and a hamper full of bonuses. To take advantage of this offer, click on this link and use the promo code STRIVERCHRISTMAS. Feel free to send this link to anyone who may benefit from it. The offer ends on December 26th.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Do You Live Your Life by Default or Design?
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Are you living your life by default or by design? This powerful question is the topic of today’s podcast. Let me know what lands for you at thestrivemethod@gmail.com. Strive on!

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Sex, Porn & Affairs: A Conversation With Jason Portnoy
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and author Jason Portnoy began his career at PayPal, working closely with technology icons like Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Max Levchin, and Reid Hoffman.
He served as the first Chief Financial Officer of Palantir Technologies (NYSE: PLTR) and later founded Oakhouse Partners, a top-performing venture capital firm.
Jason is sought after as a trusted advisor to technology company CEOs and has spoken on topics ranging from executive leadership to the intersections of technology and humanity.
He holds engineering degrees from Stanford University (MS) and the University of Colorado (BS). He currently lives in Park City, Utah, with his wife, two children, and their family dog.
I invited Jason onto the show to talk about his addiction to pornography and sex, two of the most often shunned topics of conversation in our daily lives.
Jason is the author of the book “Silicon Valley Porn Star.”
From modest roots in the suburbs of New Jersey, Jason Portnoy followed a script carefully crafted by society. He found himself in the middle of the PayPal Mafia, launched into a Silicon Valley career of wealth and prestige he never dreamed of. Stock options, flashy cars, a fantastic family.
On the outside, his life looked perfect, but unhealed traumas from his past left him tortured, descending into a dark world of pornography and sex that eventually pushed him to the edge.
In Silicon Valley Porn Star, Jason willingly shares his transformation from a life of extramarital affairs and superficial excess to one of the chosen values and renewed relationships.
His journey sheds light on a crisis of masculinity in our modern world, where quests for unlimited power and success are gateways to addiction, dependency, and unhinged behaviour. No matter your profession or position, Jason’s story will inspire you to look within and find your path toward success, fulfilment, and becoming the man you truly want to be.

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Alcohol-Foundations: A Conversation With Molly Desch
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Molly Desch has a degree in Psychology, is a certified coach and has years of experience dealing with alcohol. She helps working moms struggling with drinking culture activate and materialise their inherent abilities to free themselves from alcohol so they can take back control of their life, rediscover their authentic selves with renewed energy, confidence, and pride in themselves, and rebuild relationships with loved ones.
You can contact Molly at https://asyouarelifecoaching.com/.
You can learn more about The STRIVE Method in our incredible book The STRIVE Method: Control Alcohol For 30-Days Before it Controls You For The Next 30-Years’ —---- > https://www.thestrivemethod.com/.

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
A problem in the STRIVE community is how to operate above the line when the trifecta of marriage/parenting/business clashes. Each of these areas can provide unique challenges that can bleed into one another, dragging you below the line into victim consciousness and triggering you to drink. In this episode, Lee Davy introduces the tool of ‘transitioning’ to help you improve in this vital area.
STRIVE is a community and educational platform that helps you live more consciously after becoming someone who doesn’t drink alcohol.
The 1000 Days Sober Podcast is available across all major podcast platforms.

Monday Nov 07, 2022
9 Parallels Between Running & Sobriety
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
At STRIVE, we help people who don’t drink alcohol to live consciously. A tool we use is to consider our actions through the lens of parallel growth. Put simply, what is it about this moment that contains elements of development we can use in other areas of our lives?
An example is running.
If you were to run today, what is it about the act of running, how you feel while running, what thoughts come to mind, your environment, and the weather that you can transfer into another area of your life, such as your continuing and ever-evolving sobriety?
Here are nine parallels between running and being someone who doesn’t drink alcohol.
Strive on!
To take advantage of our Magic Mind offer, go to https://www.magicmind.co/sober, and use the discount code SOBER20 to get 40% off your subscription for the next 10 days.

Monday Oct 31, 2022
The Recovery Cycle: A Conversation With Joi Andreoli
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Joi Andreoli is a licensed marriage and family therapist with decades of sobriety and the author of the Recovery Cycle: A Practical Guide to Loving Your Sober Life: Joie calls her book a timeless navigation tool that guides readers to explore and design a new life with freedom and limitless expansion, and we cover some of the main concepts of her book in this conversation, including the power of ritualisation, the necessity of taking action and navigating triggers and cravings.
You can learn more about Joi’s work and purchase her book at www.communicatewithjoi.com.
Follow her on Instagram @joiandreoli

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Beyond Recovery: A Conversation With Matt Gardner
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Matt Gardiner is a passionate and empathetic Recovery Coach & Life Coach who has helped numerous people get out of their 'stuck stories' and move towards the life of their dreams.
He focuses on changing the language & words and the stories you've been attaching to the events in your life.
Better words + better breathing = better life.
Matt's vision of Recovery includes an active and healthy lifestyle that includes planning for deliberate, relaxing downtime for self-care and healing.
Matt is also a gifted musician and Sound Therapist, which compliments his work as a Coach.
'Beyond Recovery' is a podcast hosted by Matt, where guests come on to share their journeys to and through, Recovery
@recoveryroadmap.me (IG & TikTok)
@mattgardinerLIVE (Facebook & YouTube)