
Monday Nov 29, 2021
A Monologue on the Role of Absurdity in Alcoholism
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
In this episode of the 1000 Days Sober Podcast, Lee Davy talks about the role that absurdity plays in the belief that drinking alcohol is both normal and pleasurable, and to become someone that doesn’t drink alcohol borders on being insane.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
STRIVE LIVE! Understanding & Overcoming Resistance
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monthly, Lee Davy takes a concept from the STRIVE Method and teaches it live for the STRIVE Community. In October, the topic was understanding and overcoming Resistance, a crucial aspect of becoming someone that doesn’t drink alcohol we cover in the Thought Phase of the STRIVE Method.
We thought we would share it with the broader STRIVE audience, so you can get a taste of the work we do in our community.
Reach out if you want to join our incredible community and find the philosophy, education and community needed to be someone that doesn’t drink alcohol.
Strive on!
The STRIVE team

Monday Nov 01, 2021
From Boys to Men: A Conversation With Ryan Magic
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Ryan Magic is a peak performance coach for heart-led entrepreneurs. After breaking free of severe anxiety as a teenager, Ryan learnt to embrace courage and develop the confidence to make his first six figures in business by 19 years old, his first seven figures by 22 years old and first eight figures by 26 years old. He now adventures the world, aligning, unlocking and unleashing beautiful humans to their wildest dreams.
If you want to work with Ryan, then you can find him on Instagram.
If you want to work with Lee, then email him at 1kdayssober@gmail.com

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Musings on Narcissism: A Monologue by Lee Davy
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
I used to believe I was some sort of freak because nobody could think the things that I thought, feel the things I felt and behave the way I had behaved.
I don’t think like that anymore.
Today, I feel that 7.8 billion people in the world are one. We share the same strange thoughts, experience the same freakish feelings, and keep carrying out destructive behaviours.
In short, we are all a little bit fucked up.
So what’s the remedy?
We need more people speaking their truth. That’s the vibration I want to see rippling throughout the world, and it begins with a single vibration - me.
I created this monologue because I have seen too many self-help coaches provide help and support for victims of narcissists by throwing the narcissists under the bus. For every narcissist victim they 'save', they are driving someone else deeper into their shame.
That’s not what I signed up for when I decided to help people.
My name is Lee Davy; I am not an alcoholic. I refuse to be anonymous, and I have narcissistic traits.
If you would like to work with Lee Davy, then head to www.1000dayssober.com to hire him as a 1-1 coach or join the STRIVE family.

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Riffing About Sober Life: A Conversation With Gentry Jones
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Gentry Jones built her Instagram and social media community around her life as a sober single mom. Gentry's goal is to provide hope and humour to the mental health struggles of navigating sobriety and life as a single mom. She is dedicated to inspire, entertain and end the stigma of addiction.
You can find Gentry on Instagram
For more information on 1000 Days Sober.

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Internal Family Systems: A Conversation With Dr Richard Schwartz
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Richard Schwartz began his career as a family therapist and an academic at the University of Illinois at Chicago. There he discovered that family therapy alone did not achieve full symptom relief and in asking patients why he learned that they were plagued by what they called “parts.” These patients became his teachers as they described how their parts formed networks of inner relationships that resembled the families he had been working with. He also found that as they focused on and, thereby, separated from their parts, they would shift into a state characterized by qualities like curiosity, calm, confidence and compassion. He called that inner essence the Self and was amazed to find it even in severely diagnosed and traumatized patients. From these explorations, the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model was born in the early 1980s.
IFS is now evidence-based and has become a widely-used form of psychotherapy, particularly with trauma. It provides a non-pathologizing, optimistic, and empowering perspective and a practical and effective set of techniques for working with individuals, couples, families, and more recently, corporations and classrooms.
In 2013 Schwartz left the Chicago area and now lives in Brookline, MA where he is on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
List of Books:
Featured Articles:

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Out of the Mind and Into The Body: A Conversation With Leah McQuade
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Leah McQuade is a transformational life coach with a passion for helping people overcome obstacles, tap into their potential, and create a life they love!
Like many of us, Leah’s journey toward her transformation has a lot of twists and turns. She vividly remembers her first taste of freedom when she recognized she had everything she needed for total liberation within herself. She loves helping others remove the barriers to their own freedom and liberation and guiding them to see the power that lies within.
Leah is a Master Certified Coach and has a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy specializing in women’s health. She holds numerous certifications in shamanic studies and various modern and traditional yoga styles. Leah blends her unique life experiences, knowledge, and skills to guide people in removing blockages that might be in the way of living a full and vibrant life.
Through groups, one-on-one coaching, yoga experiences, virtual online portals, and shamanic healing sessions, Leah inspires people worldwide to find the strength and courage to begin their healing journey and clear what stands in the way of them and their dreams. It’s in the healing of the wounds and pains of our past that we can shine our light, find our unique voice, and live our most authentic lives.
Leah is a soul-preneur, travelling junkie, activist, and outdoor enthusiast. She’s travelled to over 40 countries and recently spent 18 months touring North America with her husband in a 25-foot RV and loved every minute of it.
You can find Leah at LeahMcQuade.com, leahmcquade1 on Instagram, or LeahMcQuade on Facebook

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Victoria has been in the world of personal development and healthcare for almost 20 years.
During the course of her own transformative healing journey, which lasted over a decade, Victoria studied under various spiritual, somatic and trauma-aware teachers. She was one of the original students trained by Ra Uru Hu in Human Design, and then by Richard Rudd in Gene Keys - and is also qualified in mindset reframing techniques such as NLP and CBT.
As her recovery progressed she studied physical disciplines, becoming a certified Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner. Ultimately, with this diverse skillset, she went on to run her own successful Medical and Healthcare Practice from the world-renowned Harley Street Medical Centre in London, UK for almost 7 years.
She has worked with over 1000 patients globally and acted as a consultant to several leading healthcare companies using her unique, trauma-informed approach which focuses on regulating the nervous system as the foundation for healing and self-actualisation. Because of this nervous system focus, Victoria also established a coaching/inner work branch in her business, supporting individuals, executives and company teams to evolve, transform and up-level every area.
Coaching is ultimately where Victoria’s passion lies, so she has now transitioned away from medicine and offers intensive 1-2-1 coaching packages aimed at supporting anyone who is ready to embark upon personal evolution and ultimate becoming. In particular, her 1-2-1 work is suited to executives and leaders looking to unlock their limitless potential. Victoria is also building a suite of courses that provide the roadmaps for inner work and transformational healing for anyone seeking support to undertake these life-changing inner journeys.

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Self Love for Queens: A Conversation With Amanda Frederick
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Amanda Frederick is Self Love + Relationship Coach. She’s on a mission to help women raise their vibration, be the love they so deeply desire and create a life that turns them on. For years she struggled with finding her purpose, living to only please those around her and clinging to unfulfilling jobs and relationships. She has healed and changed in ways she never knew possible, and now she helps others do the same.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Losers With a Dream: A Laugh With Lisa Lampanelli, Beau McDowell& Nick Scopoletti
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Comedians Beau McDowell and Nick Scopoletti suck at dating, suck at jobs, and suck at most things in life. But they’re great at talking about their feelings and taking advice from their mentor, the former Queen of Mean Lisa Lampanelli.
In this episode, we talk about nothing in particular - we just have a laugh - and laughter is good for the soul.